Tuesday 27 April 2010

Signs Of A Stomach Ulcer

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Signs of a stomach ulcer can include nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain just beneath the ribcage, indigestion, vomiting, symptoms of anemia, weight loss, and blood present in vomit or bowel movements.

If you experience these symptoms for any length of time, it is important to seek medical attention. These are not symptoms to be ignored.

Stomach ulcers occur when there is a break in the tissue lining of the stomach. These ulcers normally occur in the stomach or the first part of the small intestine that leads out of the stomach, called the duodenum.

Commonly stomach ulcers are related to extreme stress, smoking and diet. Any of which are factors over which we have control, making it possible to heal a ulcer; if you work to eliminate some of the contributing factors that can lead to the development.

If you begin noticing the signs of a stomach ulcer, these signs should not be ignored. In fact, an appointment with your doctor should be your course of action if these symptoms persist.

In order for your doctor to make a specific diagnosis, several tests may be ordered to help determine the exact cause of your stomach pain.

One of the first tests your physician may order is the barium swallow or upper GI series of X-rays. This test allows your doctor to identify and locate any ulcers and determine its type and severity.

The barium swallow test requires you to drink a "barium milkshake." This thick “shake” contains a liquid that will light up on an x-ray. The barium will light up on the x-ray making it easier for your physician to see exactly what is going on and causing your pain.

You are normally asked to eat only bland, easily digestible foods for two or three days before the test. After drinking the chalky liquid, you will be asked to lie down on a tilting examining table, which as it tilts, evenly distributes the barium around your upper digestive tract and allows the x-ray to capture images at different angles.

Treatment options for stomach ulcers can consist of over the counter medications, prescription medications, modifying your diet, perhaps a lifestyle change that includes the addition of exercise and reduction of stress, and as a last result, surgery.

In summary, any signs of stomach ulcers should not be ignored as the delay in diagnosis and treatment could lead to further complications. It is important to understand, however, that in many cases you have control over the factors that contribute to stomach ulcers.

By Jeff Foster

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Friday 23 April 2010

Treating Duodenal Ulcer

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Duodenum is a small lining that connects the stomach to the small intestine. When this lining gets inflamed or eroded it causes the condition known as duodenal ulcer (DU). Duodenal Ulcers are located in the duodenum tract. This type of an ulcer is three times more frequent in comparison to gastric ulcer. It has been said that this ulcer is caused mainly due to too much acid from the stomach. But studies have shown that is not the case. Duodenum surface and tissue is protected by the use of chemicals and mucus produced by duodenum. Duodenum ulcer occurs when this protection breaks due to the acid.

This ulcer is also caused by an infection with a bacterium called H. pylori. This bacterium affects the lining of the duodenum which makes way for the acid to cause inflammation and ulcers. The anti-inflammatory medicines also cause duodenal ulcers. Medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac including many others taken for arthritis, muscular pain are another reason for this problem. One of the rare causes is the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome which creates too much acid in the stomach causing duodenal ulcer.

Some of the common symptoms of duodenal ulcers are pain caused in the upper abdomen, mostly occurring before the meals or if you are going through one of the hungry pangs. The pain subsides once you eat your food or take antacid medicines. Other signs are bloating, barfing and feeling sick. Over eating can complicate things further by causing more pain. This problem can take a turn for worse when there is bleeding from the ulcer or when the ulcer penetrates the duodenum wall causing pain and need for doctors help.

- Home Remedies for Duodenal Ulcer

• Mix one dessertspoon of slippery elm bark powder in cold chamomile tea. Drink this everyday for next 12 weeks. Slippery Elm provides a protective lining to the mucosal lining of the gastro intestinal system. This 12-week program would heal any kind of infection.

• Make a mixture by using agrimony, chamomile, dandelion, gentian, rue, and uva ursi with Bach Flower Remedies Willow (found at your local chemist shop) and vine. One should have 20 drops of this mixture three times a day continuously followed by a cup of Dandelion Tea.

• Quit smoking and drinking as it increases your chances to develop ulcers.

• Avoid stress as it affects all parts of your life which in turn results in ulcers.

• You can have a tablet form of licorice root which helps to remove acid but may raise your blood pressure.

• Drink chamomile tea to minimize the duodenal ulcer effect.

• Reduce your fatty food intake as well as caffeinated drinks like coke and coffee.

• Foods which are high in soluble fiber such as oat bran, barely, seed husks, flaxseed, lentils, peas, soymilk, soy products, carrots, beans and many more are very effective in reducing the risk of duodenal ulcer.

• Increase your vitamin A intake by consuming fruits and vegetables like Tomatoes, Cantaloupes, Watermelon, Peaches, Kiwi, Oranges, and Blackberries to lower the risk of duodenal ulcer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

By Sharon Hopkins

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Monday 19 April 2010

Key Concepts Of Gastric Ulcer

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Medically speaking, gastric ulcer or peptic gastric ulcer is a damage on the normal tissues that line the stomach. It is different from the duodenal ulcer, which pertains to damage on the normal tissue lining of the initial part of the bowel or the duodenum. Though gastric ulcer is a common disease among Americans, diagnosis is still quite hard to perform since the clinical presentations of disease vary. Manifestations may range from asymptomatic or showing of no symptoms to nausea, acute-life foreboding internal hemorrhage, epigastric pain, and iron-deficiency anemia.

Gastric ulcer is produced from torn or sored protective layers of the stomach lining. These layers produce the mucus that protects the stomach from becoming injured by harsh digestive gases and stomach acids.


Gastric ulcer is basically due to the imbalanced secretion of stomach enzymes and acids as well as the components released in the mucosal lining of the stomach. This then will get inflamed that may be aggravated by aspirin and NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs are commonly taken to combat the symptoms of other ailments such as back pain and kidney pain.

Gastric ulcer is also a result of the following conditions:

* The presence of Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori, the bacteria responsible for causing gastric ulcer.

* Lessen capacity of the stomach lining to resist the stomach acids.

* Increase in production of the stomach acids.

Risk factors

Risk factors are some of the causes that may intensify the susceptibility of a person against a disease. In this case, gastric ulcer.

* Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and drugs such as aspirin and naproxen

* Chronic gastritis

* Smoking

* Mechanical ventilation

* Increased age

* Helicobacter pylori infection

Interestingly enough, stress and a number of emotional problems are not labeled as risk factors to gastric ulcer. Yet there are studies that may show otherwise. They point out that stress may be a contributing factor to the aggravation of the ailment.

The chance of developing gastric ulcer is further increased by regular smoking and over-use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


* Abdominal indigestion

* Extreme abdominal pain that may subject the patient to sleeplessness at night.

* Blood in stools or black stools

* Fatigue

* Nausea

* Unplanned weight loss

* Vomiting, especially vomiting blood

* Heartburn

It must be noted though that there may be no manifestations of symptoms in some gastric ulcer cases.

Differentiation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

* Classic gastric ulcer pain is often characterized by pain attacking after every meal. The use of antacids may not be as effective and may only provide temporary and very minimal relief.

* The gastric ulcer pain is typically sited at the epigastrium yet it may also be founded in the upper right quadrant of the stomach area and elsewhere.

* Unlike with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer pain usually sets hours after meals and during night. This may be relieved using antacids and specific foods.

· Pain that radiates to the back may suggest of complications involving the pancreas.

· There are cases of bleeding gastric ulcers and these may show significant signs of melena, hematemesis, and attacks of presyncope.

Treatments of gastric ulcer are very effective yet recurrence is possible and complications are most likely to develop. Three percent of all gastric ulcer cases advance to becoming as stomach cancer so it is extremely important to inform your health care provider of all conditions that you fell during attacks.

By Blog Maintenance

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Saturday 17 April 2010

What Is Heartburn Ulcer?

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At one point or other in our lives we have all experienced some form of heartburn. The effects of heartburn may be mild or frequent and painful, but they are symptoms that we can ease. There is however, an unfortunate side effect that can occur due to frequent heartburn irritations. This complication is a heartburn ulcer.

What exactly is heartburn ulcer? A heartburn ulcer occurs when the lining of the esophagus deteriorates due to the effects of the stomach acid that has been repeatedly refluxed into the esophagus. Due to the corrosive effect the acid has on the esophagus lining,a hole is burned through the lower section of the esophagus.

Heartburn ulcers are usually located in the lower section of the esophagus and they are sometimes connected to GERD disease. Gerd is chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease. There is a possibility that someone told you that heartburn ulcers are contagious. This is a myth. You cannot catch heartburn ulcers from anyone. A heartburn ulcer is usually a symptom of another problem.

As heartburn ulcers erode the lining of the esophagus, there is a strong possibility of bleeding occurring. This condition may lead to iron deficiency anemia. So what are the causes of heartburn ulcer?

The main cause of heartburn ulcers is the destruction of the esophagus lining by the H. Pyloridus bacteria. H. Pyloridus bacteria are usually found in the stomach. When the stomach acid reflux back into the esophagus the H. Pyloridus bacteria is usually brought into contact with the esophagus. Repeated acid reflux will bring a high amount of stomach H. Pyloridus bacteria into the esophagus where it will be strong enough to begin eating away at the esophagus lining. Paving the way for a heartburn ulcer.

There are other causes that can develop heartburn ulcers. These include the continuous usage of anti-inflammatory medications, smoking and use of cigarettes and nicotine products as well as tobacco chewing.

The digestive disorders of GERD and Bulimia are also thought to have connections with heartburn ulcer.

For a person suffering from a heartburn ulcer how can it be diagnosed? Your doctor will refer you to a gastroenterologist. A barium x-ray or endoscopy will be taken to see if you do indeed have a heartburn ulcer.

The main complications that heartburn ulcer sufferers have, are bleeding and perforation of the esophagus. Luckily heartburn ulcers can be treated. The underlying cause of the problem must first be found and then treatment may be started. Some of the common treatments that are used are antibiotics to eradicate H. pyloridus.

Anti-reflux medication, and the elimination of risk factors and prevention of complications must also be taken into account when medication is being prescribed for heartburn ulcers. For more information on heartburn ulcers, it is best if you talk with your doctor, as this can be a very serious condition. On a parting note, also try to avoid the twin evils of stress and anxiety. They too will aid in giving you a heartburn ulcer.

By Krishan Bakhru

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Tuesday 13 April 2010

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms And The Pain Endured

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While there are a variety of stomach ulcer symptoms experienced by many, this common disease attacks millions of Americans each and every year.

The stomach ulcer often presents itself in folks that take anti-inflammatory medications, smoke or drink alcohol. There is still some controversy as to whether stress causes stomach ulcers or not.

The wicked stomach ulcer often presents as a burning, gnawing sensation in the pit of the stomach that can last for up to three hours.

Many of those who experience this phenomenon mistakenly think it is nothing more than hunger pains, heartburn or even basic indigestion. Unfortunately this can often cause patients to delay seeking treatment since they brush it off as basic health issues and nothing more.

Stomach ulcer pain often occurs after a meal, is located in the upper abdomen and is often relieved by resting, taking antacids or having a small drink of milk. Weight loss may even be seen in those suffering extensively from a stomach ulcer since they actually avoid eating in hopes of avoiding pain.

Nausea and vomiting may also be seen for those suffering from stomach ulcers. You might also see black, tarry stools or stools containing dark red blood. This is an indication that your stomach ulcer is bleeding and this is a serious health complication and may require abdominal surgery.

Stomach ulcer symptoms may be treated with basic antacids or an even stronger medication, which requires a prescription. Stomach ulcer medications such as Protonix can actually help to reduce the acid production in your stomach and many find it useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

This is not a health issue which you can ignore since the stomach ulcer can literally erode the protective lining of the stomach. Some times your physician may prescribe a medication which forms a protective barrier over the lining of your stomach and gives your stomach ulcer a chance to heal.

When trying to recover your health, it is important that you take the time to eat balanced nutritious meals, limit your alcohol, tobacco usage and caffeine intake, as well as anti-inflammatory medications if at all possible.

There are several medical tests that your physician may utilize in order to definitively diagnose your stomach ulcer. It is important to have a diagnosis that is based on solid evidence so that you can get the treatment you need.

Your health depends on it and it is ridiculous to ignore the stomach ulcer symptoms you are enduring. Talk with your physician to see what help is available to you. Here’s to better healthy days and stomach ulcers that heal.

By Jeff Foster

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Friday 9 April 2010

Peptic Ulcer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

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Peptic Ulcer, (also known as ulcus pepticum), is a raw and painful area that occurs in the gastro-intestinal tract as a result of mucosal erosion by acidic gastric juices. It may occur in the oesophagus, stomach, or duodenum. Mostly the duodenum (after the stomach; the first part of the small intestine) is most likely to be afflicted by the peptic ulcer. Peptic Ulcers could occur as single or multiple ulcers and they normally measure from 10mm to 25mm across and around 0.25mm in depth.


The lining of the duodenum is at continuous risk of erosion by the acidic juices produced by the stomach walls. The lower part of the esophagus is at risk only if and when the reflux of the acidic juices from the stomach takes place. Reflux is when there is a backward flow of the acids, that is, when the acidic juices from the stomach back flow into the esophagus (throat or food pipe).

Peptic Ulcers arise in the jejunum, only when there is a massive secretion of the gastric juices. The jejunum is a part of the small intestine, which is about 8 to 10 feet in length, between the duodenum and ileum. It helps in the absorption process of the bile salts and nutrients in digestion.

Some of the main causes of the occurrence of peptic ulcers mostly could be by the consumption of a lot of alcohol, or by excessive coffee drinking which induces high caffeine intake, or even by regular ingestion of aspirin. Other irritants could also be bile and bacteria among others. They are also caused by an increase in acid secretion and a reduction in mucus production. For some people, peptic ulcers occur due to genetics, as they are pre-disposed to developing these ulcers hereditary.

If the occurrences are frequent in the family's medical history, it is important to take preventive measures. Psychological stress also plays a major part in aggravating an existing ulcer, thus making it even worse. Even smoking worsens ulcers, as the nicotine in tobacco increases the amount and concentration of acids in the stomach and thus intensifying the existing ulcer or it could also lead to the creation of more ulcers. Smoking may also slow down the treatment and healing process of ulcers.

Both men and women are equally prone to the incidence of gastric ulcers, but when it comes to duodenal ulcers, more men are likely to suffer from them than women.


The most typical symptom is that of a gnawing persistent pain in the abdomen especially when the stomach is empty. Some people suffering from a peptic ulcer show no symptoms, but most people complain of a burning pain in the abdomen which also wakes them up in the nights at times. Eating relieves the pain of a duodenal ulcer, only for the pain to recur after a couple of hours.

Other symptoms which are common for both ulcers, that of duodenal and gastric ulcers, are: loss of appetite (although in the case of duodenal ulcers, it sometimes increases appetite), belching, weight loss, a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting (which is sometimes even blood), waterbrash (rush of saliva to dilute the stomach acids after the reflux), and melena (unusual and bad smelling feces).


Antacid Drugs neutralize the excess acid levels and help in the healing of the ulcers. If taken regularly, they can help in ultimately relieving the pain caused by the ulcers, along with taking some measures such as: avoiding smoking, avoid drinking of alcohol, coffee, and tea, and avoiding use of aspirin and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Other ways of treatment are by taking various medications such as acid blockers (also called histamine blockers; they reduce the quantity of hydrochloric acid that is released into the digestive tract, which lessens ulcer pain and supports healing), antibiotic medications; they are mostly prescribed to kill the bacteria, and also sometimes given in combination of other different antibiotics, or even Proton Pump Inhibitors, which are drugs which stop the "pumps" from secreting more acids.

At times, when these Proton Pump Inhibitors are taken in high dosages and over a prolonged period of time, it could result in the fracture of the hip, so mostly it is advisable to take calcium supplements as the treatment is on. In some severe cases, even surgery is required, such as vagotomy or gastrectomy. Sometimes, passing a suction tube through the nose to drain out the digestive juices is also adequate treatment. It is always best to visit a doctor, to be explained the surgical remedies offered for the treatment of ulcers.

By James S. Pendergraft

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Monday 5 April 2010

Learn About Peptic Ulcer

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The term peptic ulcer is referred to both, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is believed to have occurred due to an infection by a bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This corkscrew-shaped bug lives in the inner lining of the stomach causing peptic ulcer. If peptic ulcer is located in the stomach it is called gastric ulcer.

Some of the common symptoms of peptic ulcer are:

• Constant pain in the abdomen - which mainly is a duodenal symptom. This pain occurs within one or two hours after meals and also when the stomach is empty. This pain lasts for several minutes or hours and you can get relief by eating or having any antacid medicines.

• Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and losing weight in the same process is another sign.

Complications in Peptic Ulcer

• These complications have certain symptoms which need immediate care namely hemorrhage of the ulcer causing bleeding. This kind of bleeding occurs without pain making it very hard to detect. It may slowly enter the digestive tract leading to anemia. If the bleeding is fast it may be more dangerous. The symptoms include weakness, blood vomiting and dark-colored stools.

• The other complication is pyloric stenosis (obstruction) where in the valve at the bottom of the stomach leading towards duodenum becomes narrow. This complication obstructs the transition of the content from the stomach into the intestine. This increases abdominal pain, vomiting and causes bloating.

• Perforation occurs when the ulcer completely erodes the stomach or duodenal wall. This leads to leakage of acidic contents into the abdominal cavity causing acute peritonitis (infection of the abdominal cavity). You may suffer one of the worst kinds of abdominal pains during such times and it may worsen with any type of movement. This can be fatal if medical treatment is not given immediately.

Home remedies for Peptic Ulcer

• Avoid smoking, alcohol, drinking caffeinated food products like coffee and coke.

• Salt and sugar intake should be lessened, as it aggravates this problem furthermore.

• Avoid NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like aspirin, ibuprofen and many more which does not help in the healing process of peptic ulcers.

• You can use dried banana powder (Musa paradisiaca) to treat ulcers. Take two capsules of dried raw banana powder four times a day for eight weeks and see the improvement.

• Calendula plant is also known to have anti-inflammatory and healing properties which have been used as an age-old medicine for peptic ulcers. If capsules are available, have two, three times a day. Or you can use 2 to 3 tsp of calendula juice.

• Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) root extract is rich in protein and mucilage-carbohydrate which helps in production of a new tissue. It also helps in removing acid from your body.

• Papaya Leaf is a great ingredient for digestion. It digests the dead tissue which helps in treating many skin diseases, wounds and ulcers. It has the property to protect the stomach mucosa from any kind of damage and ulcer formation.

• People suffering from this disease should do yoga asanas too which would minimize the peptic ulcer problem. Asanas like Vajrasana, Padmasana, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana and Paschimothasana can surely prove to be very useful to deal with this problem.

By Sharon Hopkins

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Thursday 1 April 2010

Vitamins For Ulcer

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In the past people suffering from peptic ulcers were restricted from taking small amount of bland food and milk regularly. Researches however showed that this in no way helps in decreasing the recurrence of ulcers. However, a diet rich of fibers may minimize the chances of developing ulcers, and will help in fast healing of the existing ones. In particular, fiber found in fruits, vegetables are very protective, and with vitamin contained in most of these foods, the benefits are increased.

There are some evidences that show that exercise helps in reducing the risk of ulcers in some people. In a study in 2000, it was found that although exercise is helpful for men but it has null effect on ulcer development in women. Stress relief programs are not known to have an impact on ulcer healing. However, they have other health benefits that are useful.

Treat Ulcer with Vitamin A

When it comes to ulcers, the main role of Vitamin A is to protect the lining of the stomach so that the sore, if in case it developed already, won't get worse.

Vitamin A also allows for the speedy healing of the affected areas of the small intestines. Patients suffering from peptic ulcer are advised to take foods rich in Vitamin A and dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables.

Doctors would normally recommend peptic ulcer patients an initial dosage of 25,000 IU of Vitamin A daily for an entire week.

Then the dosage is reduced to just 10,000 IU everyday for maintenance. However, pregnant women or those who want to get pregnant are advised not to take more than 5,000 IU of Vitamin A daily.

Vitamin C can help Ulcer

Vitamin C works favorably for the patients of peptic ulcer because it directly inhibits the growth the very bacteria that cause the disease.

Also, if the H. pylori bacteria were abundant, it would directly impair the body's absorption of Vitamin C. When this happens, the patient has higher risks of developing stomach cancers from the condition that merely started as peptic ulcer.

The normal dosage of Vitamin C for peptic ulcer patients is 1,000 mg taken twice a day. Because Vitamin C could induce diarrhea, the dosage can also be taken in a buffered form.

A hormone found in the brain that has a role in sleep is known as Melatonin. Researchers have found that the hormone might have properties that will help in preventing ulcers along with reduction in acid secretion and an improvement in blood flow. Until now, it is not known if it will benefit people with peptic ulcers but it might well do so. However, high doses of Melatonin have adverse affects like mental impairment, severe headache and nightmares.

In the past anti acids were the drugs that were preferred for ulcers but now it has been replaced with proton pump inhibitors. There are natural alternatives that work really well to heal ulcer and can be used with other prescribed drugs. Researchers claim Deglycrrhizinated licorice {DGL) as a good complement to the therapeutic measures recommended by your health care professional. DGL works positively by addressing the underlying factors causing ulcers rather than trying to hide the symptoms. DGL works by promoting the natural defense mechanism that is already present in our body to fight against ulcers. Other drugs that are also beneficial in curing ulcer carry some side effects along with them but DGL has no side effect.

Therefore, although there is no sure cure for ulcers but choices available for getting rid of it are many and a proper treatment will see you through. The patient must consult the doctor for proper treatment and correct guidance. If the patient reaches at the early stage, ulcers can be easily cured with fewer complications.

BY Jack L Bloom

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